Enhance Your Intimacy with - Delay Spray for Men
Discover the secret to prolonged pleasure and enhanced satisfaction with Delay Spray for Men.
Spray For Men Last Longer Sex Strength Stops Premature Ejaculation
Boost your confidence, intensify your connection, and make intimate moments more memorable with Delay Spray for Men. Don't miss out – order yours today and experience a new level of satisfaction.
- Apply the product at least 30 minutes before sexual intercourse.
- Apply to the glans penis and coronal surcus (avoiding the urethra), apply and spread evenly
- For a greater effect, wash and dry the glande well before applying the product.
- Net content: 15ml
- The recommended dose of 2-3 spray.
- Thermal Sensation in the first 5 minutes plant characteristics
- Helps to prolong the sexual act up to 60 minutes, achieving more orgasms and greater sexual satisfaction in your couple
- May not be used in the prevention of venereal diseasein sexual life.
- Avoid this product touching your eyes
- Please store it properly far away fron children
- This product cannot be used on skin with rash, abrased wound or allergic skin.